How to Change the 4 Digit Code on a Schlage Lock BE365

In this post, I’ve covered the steps to follow to change the 4-digit code on your Schlage BE365 Keypad Lock. If that sounds like what you’re looking for, let’s head right into it.

Changing the 4 Digit Code on a Schlage Lock BE365

You can change the 4-digit code on your Schlage BE365 deadbolt by deleting the code. Then add a new code to replace the deleted one.

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Enter your current Programming Code. Then wait for three orange lights from the Schlage button, followed by three beeps.
  2. Press the Schlage button and press the number 2 key. Wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by 3 beeps.
  3. Now enter the 4-digit code you want to change. Then wait for the Schlage button to illuminate orange three times and the lock to beep three times.
  4. Re-enter the 4 digit code you want to change to complete the process. The Schlage button will illuminate green, followed by one long beep, indicating that the code has been successfully deleted.

Next, add a new code to replace the deleted one. Follow the steps below to add a new 4-digit code (User Code):

  1. Enter your Programming Code. You’ll hear three beeps, and the Schlage button will illuminate orange three times.
  2. Press the Schlage button and press the number 1 key. Next, wait for the Schlage button to illuminate  orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  3. Enter a new 4-digit User Code and wait for the Schlage button to illuminate orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  4. Re-enter the new 4 digit User Code to complete the process. If you see a green light followed by one long beep, it means the new User Code has been successfully added—technically replacing the default 4-digit Code you deleted.

If you’re a visual learner, see how to change the 4-digit code on your Schlage BE365 Deadbolt in the video below: 

Note that the 4-digit code is your User Code that can be used to unlock the lock. You can add more User Codes with the same process—the lock stores up to 19 User Codes.

Now, that’s all about changing the default 4-digit code on your Schlage lock BE365. As you can see, you can’t change the 4-digit code on your Schlage Lock without entering the Programming Code. The Programming Code is required—to put the lock in programming mode.

If you don’t have the Programming Code, you’ll need to perform a factory reset on your lock. Then use the default Programming Code to program the lock.

Here’s how to reset the lock:

  1. Keep your door open to avoid being locked out.
  2. Remove the battery cover and disconnect the battery.
  3. Press and release the Schlage button.
  4. Reconnect the battery and then press and hold the Schlage button until it lights green and the lock beeps. Ensure this is done within 10 seconds.

If you’ve reset your Schlage Lock, you want to delete the default codes and add new codes. Follow the instructions above to do that.

You may also want to change the default Programming Code for security reasons. Keep reading to see how to do this.

How to Change the Default Programming Code

Your Schlage BE365 Keypad Deadbolt comes with a default 6-digit Programming Code that is used to put the lock in Programming Mode.

This code is required when you want to add or delete User Codes, enable/disable Vacation Mode, and more. And to ensure that only you can make changes to your lock, you need to change the default Programming Code.

The default Programming Code can be found on a sticker on the back of the keypad assembly and the user manual that came with loc.

So, here’s how to Change the Preset Programming Code on your Schlage BE365 Keypad Lock:

  1. Enter your default Programming Code and wait for the Schlage button to flash orange light three times and beep three times.
  2. Press the Schlage button. Then press key 3. Wait for the lock to beep three times and flash orange light three times.
  3. Enter your new Programming Code and wait for the usual three orange flashes and three beeps.
  4. Re-enter the new Programming Code to complete the change. The Schlage button will illuminate green once, followed by one long beep, confirming that the process was successful.

Note: If you’ve previously changed the Programming Code, you can use the same steps above to change it again—if you want to. But be sure to remember and use your current Programming Code in the process.

Closing Thoughts

So that’s how to change the 4-digit code on your Schlage BE365 Keypad Deadbolt. 

If you’ve just purchased this lock newly, note that it comes with two default User Codes (4-digit codes). Make sure to check the user manual that came with the lock to find the two codes and change them. 

As you’ve seen above, the process requires you to delete the codes and then add new codes—there’s no method to directly override the existing 4-digit code.

Note: You can also change the 4-digit code on Schlage FE595 lock with the same method in this post.

You may also read our article about changing User Codes on Defiant Electronic Deadbolt, Trilogy DL2800, and Honeywell Keypad Lock.