How to Add User Codes to a Schlage Keypad Lock

If you’re looking to add new User Codes (4-digit codes) to your Schlage Lock but are not quite sure how to do it, this post is your go-to resource.

Schlage Add User Codes

In the following paragraphs, I’ll show you how to add User Codes to your Schlage Keypad Lock. You’ll also learn how to remove any User Code in seconds. Then let’s get started.

Adding New User Codes to a Schlage Lock

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Enter the current Programming Code of your lock. Next, wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  2. Press the Schlage button, then press 1 on the keypad. Next, wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  3. Enter a new User Code (4 digits). Then wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  4. Re-enter the new User Code to complete the process.
  5. If the operation is successful, the Schlage button will light green, followed by one long beep—showing the new User Code is now active.

You can repeat the steps to add more User Codes. Most Schlage Keypad Locks allow users to add up to 19 User Codes.

If you want to remove any User Code from your Schlage Keypad Lock, read on to learn how to do that.

Removing User Codes from Your Schlage Lock

  1. Enter your current Programming Code. Then wait for the Schlage button to illuminate orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  2. Press the Schlage button. Next, press 2 on the keypad and wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  3. Enter the User Code you want to remove. Then wait for the Schlage button to illuminate orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  4. Enter the User Code you want to remove again.
  5. Now the lock will light green and beep once, showing the User Code has been deleted.

If you want to remove more User Codes, repeat the steps. Or if you want to remove all codes at once, here is how to do that:

  1. Through the keypad, enter the current Programming Code (6 digits) of your lock. Next, wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  2. Press the Schlage button. Next, press key 6 and wait for the Schlage button to light orange three times, followed by three beeps.
  3. Enter the Programming Code (6 digits) of your lock again to complete the operation.
  4. If successful, the Schlage button will light green once, followed by 1 long beep, indicating that all User Codes have been removed.

If you have trouble adding User Codes in your Schlage Lock—perhaps you have lost your Programming Code. If this is the case, you can restore default settings on your lock, then use the default Programming Code to reprogram the lock.

Let’s look at how to restore factory settings on a Schlage Keypad Lock. But first, you need to find the default code—located on the back of the User manual that came with your lock.

If you don’t have the manual, remove the lock from the door to find the default Programming Code—on the back of the keypad assembly. The code is usually printed on a white label. For Schlage Encode, see how to find the default Programming Code.

That said, if you’ve found the default Programming Code, you can proceed with the factory reset. See how to do this below.

Restoring Factory Settings on a Schlage Keypad Lock

Here is how to restore factory settings on your Schlage Lock:

  • Remove the battery cover. Next, disconnect the battery.
  • Press and release the Schlage button on the keypad.
  • Now connect the battery back.
  • Press and hold the Schlage button until the status light turns green, followed by a beep. This step should be completed in 10 seconds.
  • Your Schlage lock is reset. To confirm if the reset is successful, enter one of the default User Codes (printed on the white label along with the Programming Code). If the bolt moves after entering the code, the reset is successful.

Wrapping Up

So that’s how to add User Codes on your Schlage Lock. However, the process requires you to enter the current Programming Code of the lock.

If you’ve lost the Programming Code, you can reset the lock and then use the default code to add new User Codes.

The guidelines in this post work for various Schlage keypad lock models—such as Schlage Touch, Schlage BE365, FE595, and FE575.